
CVap® and Collectramatic® processes and recipes help explain how to create amazing food in Winston equipment.

smokerless ribs

Smokerless Ribs in a CVap!

Clearly, barbecue is very hot right now! We follow two websites for great information about BBQ and food techniques. Undoubtedly, the best resource for BBQ is Amazing Ribs. Likewise, for technique (especially sous vide), it’s Chef Steps. While browsing Chef Steps we found a method for “Apartment Ribs.” Basically, the ribs are salted, bagged, and

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Ranchero Beans are yummy school nutrition

Tasty Ranchero Beans!

With a side dish like  Tantalizing and Tasty Ranchero Beans from a district like Brantley County Schools in Georgia, you can’t go wrong. There’s been a lot of talk about school nutrition, and what’s being served in cafeterias around the country. The best way to find out what’s being plated in K-12 is to actually

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scallops staged in CVap a consistently perfect

CVap® Staged Scallops

Staged Scallops These staged scallops are consistently out of this world! CVap ovens let you hold scallops, without overcooking, until an order comes in. A quick two minutes in a pan to finish them, and they’re ready for the table! If CVap can cook a delicate food like scallops to perfection every time, imagine what

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