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Sometimes You Gotta Vent. And Sometimes You Don’t.

Vent hoods are often required in commercial kitchens. But they’re expensive to purchase, install, operate, and maintain. Since some equipment mandates a vent hood, floor space beneath them is prized.

What if you don’t have to have a vent hood? Independent studies confirmed that CVap® Ovens meet federal standards to operate ventless.* They’re your ventless oven solution.

You save money not installing vent hoods, not consuming electricity, and not paying for costly maintenance. Already have a vent hood? You have the flexibility to place CVap ovens anywhere, saving space beneath the vent for the stuff that requires it.

CVap ovens are perfect for confined spaces. Their footprint is relatively small, compared to a combi ovens. This makes CVap ideal for cloud kitchens, ghost kitchens and any operation with limited floor space. 

*Local codes may vary.

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