CVap® Programmer


Android App

Transfer up to eight settings onto your CVap® cabinet by simply bumping your Android device to the NFC reader. Load signature dishes for repeatedly consistent results. Save your LTO menu in one place so all of your cooks execute it the same way, shift after shift. Have a rotating daily or weekly menu for a cafeteria-style service? No problem – Monday through Friday now loaded to CVap from your phone.

This app currently supports Series 7 CVap Holding Cabinets, CVap Retherm Ovens, and CVap Cook and Hold Ovens.

Desktop Icon

Desktop Application

The CVap Programmer desktop application allows you to program Winston Foodservice CVap Equipment using downloadable XML files. Simply download and copy the .xml file onto a USB stick, then upload to your CVap. This app currently supports Series 7  and  5 CVap Holding Cabinets, CVap Retherm Ovens, and CVap Cook and Hold Ovens. Watch this helpful video to see how it’s done.

Video Tutorial

cvap programmer

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to set up and implement the Winston CVap Programming app on your Andriod Smart Phone. If you have any questions please contact customer service

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