I’ve been fortunate enough to work with child nutrition throughout my career. Certainly, it’s an industry filled with warm and caring people. Naturally, I am proud to be a part of this family. Consequently, I’m proud that my company, Winston Industries, underwrites the Winston Equipment Grant.

Every year, through a competitive grant process at SNF, Winston gives away ten pieces of CVap equipment. Certainly, that equipment grant brings monumental changes for districts in need! I’ve worked directly with three equipment grant recipients and a district in Mississippi, my home state. Surprisingly, in 2016 lightning struck again and I got my fourth winner, Hernando County Public Schools in Brooksville, Florida.
Hernando County
Hernando County has about 25 schools. Food & Nutrition Services Director Lori Drenth, designated nine sites to receive the seven holding cabinets and three retherm ovens she chose. Consequently, this equipment allows her staff to do batch cooking and serve food at its highest quality. And as she said, “it’s like Christmas when a kitchen gets new equipment and it instills a sense of pride in the employees knowing their school is getting that investment.” Naturally, it gives me that same sense of pride to work with these people. Consequently, I’m proud to be with a company the gives back!
Learn more about the equipment grants here!