Winston Smoker Box

Power Box Front

Convert your CVap® oven into the smoker of your dreams with a Winston Smoker Box! It allows up to six hours of continuous smoking to create tender meats with that smoky flavor your customers love. Consequently, smoke without the expense of another piece of equipment! Add delicious smoke flavor to any grilled meal. You can use wood chips or pellets. Infuse your food with a hint of hickory, apple, oak, or cherry wood.

Great for more than just protein! Add veggies or herbs to your smoker to create amazing flavor throughout your menu.

The Winston Smoker Box is a must-have with easy installation onto the CVap Cook and Hold Oven or Retherm Oven.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind if you’re considering adding the smoker box. It does require an independent 120V power supply. Critically, utilizing the Winston smoker will require placing the oven under a vent hood.

Purchase yours here: PS3145 Winston Smoker Box.

Smoker Box
smoker box meat
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