Here at Winston, we’ve had the privilege of working with some true “Burger Masters.” These folks use CVap® ovens to produce burgers that their customers crave. Ultimately, they showcase the versatility of CVap equipment.
Burgers are America’s favorite sandwich. The average American eats three burgers a week (for a national yearly consumption of 50 billion burgers). There are great blogs celebrating burgers, and their superior cousin, the cheeseburger. A Hamburger Today, Burger Beast, and Eat More Burgers are all fun reads.
These are the Burger Masters
Chef Paul Wahlberg (one of the stars of the A&E show Wahlburgers) takes full advantage of CVap’s staging abilities. Consequently, his kitchens can crank out an eight-ounce burger in about four minutes, using CVap to stage. As he said, “…the precision, and the consistency of the equipment is always perfect.”
Thomas Salamunovich, a CVap pioneer, first recognized the value of serving a gourmet hamburger at his fine-dining Larkspur restaurant in Vail, Colorado. As a result, he turned his single menu item into a concept called Larkburger.
Chef John Tesar chose to share his method for a perfect burger with thousands of YouTube viewers. You can check him out here.
Adam Fleischman in LA has taken burgers to a different dimension, literally. He uses CVap in his concept Umami Burger, which emphasizes umami (the fifth taste) to make better burgers.
Tony Maws, Chef/Owner of Craigie on Main in Boston, cooks his Bar Burger at low heat in our CVap oven. Later, he follows with a quick char on the plancha.
Certainly, there are many more Burger Masters out there using CVap to create the perfect burger. Let us know about it. We will highlight your recipe and restaurant!