A CVap Holding Drawer Is Extremely Versatile

A holding drawer is a valuable piece of equipment to have in any establishment that serves food. A CVap Holding Drawer and server control food temperature and texture. You have the flexibility to hold moist or crisp, whichever suits your needs. The holding drawers’ design boosts temp recovery, even with frequent openings. They’re ideal for kiosks, QSRs, or any operation where space is limited, but food quality is still a priority.

How is a Holding Drawer Used

  • Prep and line cooks use holding drawers to reduce labor and cook times.
  • Front-of-the-house staff use  drawers for quick access to appetizers and sides, such as tortilla chips and bread.
  • Caterers use holding drawers to hold cooked food for transport.
  • Holding anything you want to keep moist or crisp.
  • A holding drawer can hold soups or beverages. 
holding drawers

For example, high-volume food products such as bread rolls are kept warm for immediate serving. Also, perishable foods such as meats stay above 140°F to prevent spoiling; moreover, guests dine safely. In order to do this, set and adjust temperatures with the electronic differential controls. These controls automatically monitor and adjust the drawer temperature.

CVap (or Controlled Vapor Technology) is a patented dual heat system that combines moist vapor heat and dry air heat to control food temperature and texture.

warming drawer

The CVap® Holding Drawer HBB0D2 offers fantastic food temperature and texture control. CVap Drawers feature a unique design that speeds temp recovery, even with frequent openings. 

Winston offers many different holding drawer configurations. Check out our full line of hold and serve drawers to find the model that best suits your needs.

If you have any questions about CVap Holding Drawers, please contact us. We could talk all day about the benefits of a warming drawer for your kitchen.

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